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Asia Pacific airlines aim to accelerate transition to RE

To achieve carbon neutrality, says Subhash Menon, Director General, AAPA

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Asia Pacific airlines aim to accelerate transition to RE

11 Nov 2023 9:01 AM IST

Singapore A top Asia Pacific airline association on Friday called on the governments, fuel producers, airports, and other organisations to work together globally to accelerate the transition to renewable energy and fuel the industry’s journey towards carbon neutrality. Addressing the 67th Assembly of Presidents of the Association of Asia Pacific Airlines here, AAPA Director General Subhash Menon said, “A harmonised global framework that enables the cost-effective supply of sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) is crucial for aviation to attain a net zero emissions goal by 2050.” “By highlighting their collective ambition on SAF usage, AAPA Airlines are indicating the level of SAF demand as an impetus for governments to consider the necessary support initiatives for SAF supply and for fuel producers to plan SAF production capacity to meet the needs of the industry,” he said.

Asia Pacific airlines SAF 
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